Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How much will private healthcare cost me?

A. Policies can be customised to suit your budget. Your premium will depend on the level of cover, whether it is a new or existing policy, age, location and claims history. We'll advise you accordingly, negotiating premiums on your behalf.

In certain circumstances, premiums can be tax deductible.

Q. Does the cost go up year on year?

A. Renewal premiums are subject to claims, age and medical inflation. However, Pinnacle aims to review every client’s policy every year, negotiating premiums on your behalf to ensure they remain cost effective. We will always review the healthcare market for you, at each renewal.

Q. Does it cost me more to use a broker than going direct to the insurer?

A. No. Your premium will not cost more by using Pinnacle as your broker. In fact, you could pay less as we bring expertise of the market and can negotiate your premiums on your behalf.

Q. Can I change insurers through Pinnacle?

A. In most cases yes, however, this will be dependent upon your claims history, as each insurer has its own medical transfer criteria. In instances where your policy allows a transfer, we manage this transfer and will continue to be by your side whilst you are with the new insurer. We are also completely independent and not affiliated with any one insurer to give you expert impartial advice.

Q. I own my own business, can my family have cover on my company policy?

A. Yes, however each insurer has its own rules regarding family cover. We would advise accordingly in each case.

Q. Can I receive treatment for pre-existing conditions?

A. This is dependent upon the type of cover that you have. This is to be discussed in more detail with your Pinnacle consultant.

Q. I’m currently with another broker, how can Pinnacle help me?

A. Your contract always remains with the insurer, therefore you are free to choose which broker you would like to work with and we believe it is important to have a broker that you trust to bring you the best service and advice. It’s a straightforward process for us to be appointed to your policy and be your trusted partner.

We believe we provide the best customer service. Get in touch to find out how we can help.